“Tongues Pt 2” Am I A Baby… ABC?!
Judgement Or Gift…?
“Law after law, law after law,
line after line, line after line,
a little here, a little there.”
The ending of Mark’s Gospel. The ending of Mark’s Gospel poses a special problem. The majority of later manuscripts include a number of resurrection appearances and a commissioning speech (Mk 16:9–20, the “longer ending”), although not all witnesses agree on the extent of this longer ending. One manuscript includes within the longer ending a very interesting conversation between the disciples and Jesus; the disciples seek to excuse their slowness of faith by pointing to Satan’s influence over this present age. Jesus responds that his death makes provision for sinners to return to the truth and inherit the next age. A number of manuscripts that include the longer ending also mark it as potentially spurious. A single manuscript closes Mark with a “shorter ending” (included in brackets in the NRSV), while a number of manuscripts incorporate both the longer and the shorter ending. The most ancient manuscripts, however, end Mark’s Gospel abruptly at Mark 16:8.